Missions trip to Rwanda and DR Congo
Dear Friends, Family, Brothers and Sisters in Christ;
We want to give you an update on some of the opportunities the Lord has given us. In the Spring of 2022, we were able to embark on a whirlwind trip through Rwanda and D. R. Congo with what I continue to think of as a “dream team”: Kimberly and Ansel, Christian and Adam – young warriors for Christ from our Victory Life Ministry partners. They were valiant soldiers for Jesus: pouring themselves out in preaching, teaching, prayer, and compassionate service to the Lord’s “least of these” wherever we went.
Our His Missions team with our Victory Life partners.
Our first stop at Cindi’s Hope in northern Rwanda presented a wonderful opportunity to minister to children who have been rescued from abuse, and see the powerful effect their Christian school is having on the surrounding communities. Interfacing with these precious students and their saintly teachers was most rewarding, but the Lord had more adventures in store for us.
Students at Cindi’s Hope Ministry in Rwanda
We took a day in Kigali to visit the Genocide Museum to help our team understand the terrible cost the genocide in 1994 caused this country to suffer. It had a sobering effect on us all, even for those of us who had been there and studied its history for many years.
Next we were relieved to journey on across the beautiful landscape of Rwanda, trying to leave behind us the images of a land soaked in the blood of genocide, and happy to focus on a country rebounding through the healing processes of peacemaking and reconciliation. That this sad history could be turned around so radically in the past several decades is a miracle in itself, and a testimony to the power of Christ working in the hearts of this troubled nation.
Crossing the border to Goma, DR Congo, the next day, we were met by our dear friend, Simeon Muhunga, who took us to both a women’s and a juvenile prison. Here our team shone with the love of Jesus even more. Bob and I felt almost like proud parents as we watched each of them work in their respective giftings, though all we really did was open the doors of opportunity and give the Holy Spirit room to operate through them.
Ministering in the Juvenile Jail in Goma, DR Congo
While in the Goma area, we were also able to visit a leprosy colony which His Missions has been supporting since before COVID when we were thrust into lockdown mode. This first-time meeting with these patients, who have been benefitting all the while from the food and medicines provided by our wonderful donors, was a heart-warming experience. Their gratitude was expressed through shy smiles, and we saw the evidence of healing in their leprosy-affected hands and feet.
Leprosy Colony in Goma, DR Congo
Our next time to see and celebrate the wonderful workings of God on the last leg of this trip was at the Women of Wellness Center in Goma. The ladies there are having their lives restored after having been victims of sexual violence. The continual presence of militias in this war-torn area has made the incidence of rape a staggering fact of life for the innocent women and girls in their paths. These “transgressed” ladies come to the “WOW Center” to learn vocational skills, such as sewing, while their children (often the product of their being raped) are being cared for by staff. More importantly, they receive counseling as to who they are in Christ: beloved and of great value. Working with Simeon Muhunga and his incredible staff in establishing the WOW Center has proven to be one of Carole’s favorite projects, and certainly one of the Lord’s finest acts of restoration.
Unfortunately, the WoW center in Goma is facing the prospect of closing its doors due to a lack of funding. Please help us keep this ministry going in order to minister to these victims of sexual violence by donating to His Missions International.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. If you wish to give to our ministry
you can mail a check made out to His Missions International or you can donate at our website
His Missions International
PO Box 2508
Lindale, TX 75754
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