Acts 1:8
“but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.”
I want to share with you a very exciting vision that the Lord has given to His Missions International (HMI) together with some of our ministry partners.
There are Three Major Steps to this God Given Vision.
First, we are working and partnering with inmates in several Texas prisons that are actively engaged in “Disciple Making Ministries (DMM)”. They are winning souls and planting small groups inside the cells and dorms. Their vision is to take the whole prison for Jesus. HMI is a free-world sponsor of this ministry in the prisons
Second, we are supporting an after-care residential facility that accepts these disciple making inmates when they get out. This academy, the NPL Academy, continues to teach the men DMM principles, helps them get jobs and make the adjustment from prison to the free-world.
The NPL academy is under a worldwide missions organization that is affiliated with the worldwide NoPlaceLeft missionary movement. Here is a part of their vision statement:
We are focused on reaching the least, the last, and the lost. Our foundation is the rock, Jesus Christ. We are Christ-centered and believe that the Holy Bible is the only Word of God. NPL Academy was cofounded by a former Texas inmate who has been used by God to start an orphanage and 4,000+ churches across India and is the world’s largest Bible smugglers into unreached people groups. Our mission at the NoPlaceLeft Academy is to provide all Christians with missionary training so they can spread the gospel, make disciples, plant churches, and raise up leaders for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
Third, the vision is to send these men to the immigrant population in the large cities of Texas and into the remotest parts of the earth until there is “No Place Left” that hasn’t heard the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Matt 24:14
And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. ESV
HMI is very excited to be a part of this vision.
You can help us with your loving contribution into this work of God. Your contribution will help us send missionaries into the inner cites and to the remotest parts of the earth!
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